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Responsibilities of Executive Board Members

Article 6: Executive Board Section

Section 6.1—Definition

The Executive Board shall consist of:

6.1.1 The elected officers, as specified in Article 5.1, shall be voting members of the Executive Board.

6.1.2 The first five members who were elected in the Chapter election for the position of Academic or Professional Delegate to the Delegate Assembly, other than the elected officers, shall be voting members of the Executive Board.

6.1.3. Other members who were elected in the Chapter election for the position of Academic or Professional Delegate to the Delegate Assembly shall be members of the Executive Board ex officio without vote, unless they are otherwise voting members of the Executive Board as defined in Articles 6.1.1 and 6.1.2.

6.1.4 All Standing committee chairs and members as well as the CCPE and CRP committees shall be appointed by the Chapter President subject to approval by the Executive Board

6.1.5 Members of the Chapter who serve as officers of UUP or members of the statewide UUP Executive Board shall be members of the Executive Board ex officio without vote, unless they are otherwise voting members of the Executive Board as defined in Articles 6.1.1 and 6.1.2.

6.1.6 Members of the Chapter who serve as chairpersons of UUP statewide Standing Committees shall be members of the Executive Board ex officio without vote, unless they are otherwise voting members of the Executive Board as defined in Articles 6.1.1 and 6.1.2.

Section 6.2—Duties 6.2.1

The Executive Board shall be the policy-implementing body of the Chapter and shall be responsible for the administration of the Chapter and its activities. It shall appoint individuals to fill vacancies, or direct that special elections be held to fill vacancies; approve appointments to committees; approve a budget for submission to the Chapter; approve all expenditures pursuant to the Chapter Budget and authorize extraordinary expenditures; carry out policies established by the Chapter and suggest policies for consideration by the Chapter; arrange for such ancillary staff members and assistance as are necessary to attain the goals of the Chapter; act on behalf of the membership in the absence of membership policy and during periods of time when Chapter meetings cannot be reasonably convened; generally represent UUP and the Chapter; and, carry out such other duties as are reasonably associated with an Executive Board. The Executive Board shall by a majority vote or upon the petition of at least five percent of the Chapter membership initiate referenda, and shall adopt procedures for the conduct of such referenda.

6.2.2 Duties of the Active Retired Representative, Outreach Chairperson, Membership Chairperson, Newsletter Editor, and Safety and Health Chairperson shall be defined by the Executive Board.

6.2.3 Duties of the Designated Election Official shall be in accordance with the UUP Constitution. The Designated Election Official shall also develop procedures for the conduct of Chapter Referenda subject to approval by the Executive Board.

Section 6.3—Terms of Office

6.3.1 Except where otherwise specified, terms of office for elected and appointed positions of the Executive Board shall coincide with the terms of the elected officers.

6.3.2 No elected officer position shall be held by any one person for more than five consecutive terms.

Section 6.4—Meetings

6.4.1 The Executive Board shall meet at least once a month during the academic year. Meetings shall be convened by the Chapter President or by a written request of one-third of the Stony Brook Chapter Bylaws. Adopted May 1985; Revised April 7th, 2017— Page 5 Executive Board or five percent of the Chapter membership. The Chapter President shall send an announcement of an Executive Board meeting to all members of the Executive Board at least seven days prior to the meeting. The announcement shall contain the date, time and place of meeting, and the agenda, which may be modified at the meeting. Special meetings may be called by the President.

6.4.2 Executive Board meetings, other than executive sessions, shall be open to all members of the Chapter. Members of the Chapter shall be notified by appropriate means of the schedule of Executive Board meetings.

Excerpted from the Stony Brook Chapter Bylaws. Adopted May 1985; Revised April 7th, 2017